The DNA Dietitian

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Diet To Get Pregnant

If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, or have been trying and it hasn’t happened yet, you may wonder about following a diet to get pregnant.

Taking a closer look at lifestyle and food choices with a registered dietitian now might be a wise move. Rachel Clarkson RD, the DNA Dietitian, can create a fertility diet plan and ensure you have a healthier pregnancy too.

Why try a diet to get pregnant?

There is no end of advice about the best pregnancy diets via books, magazines and websites – not to mention family and friends. This can be useful if it steers you towards healthy habits like reducing alcohol and increasing your intake of fruit, vegetables and wholegrains.

But when it comes to specific pregnancy diet advice, or guidance on boosting fertility, you may want to tread carefully. Be aware of placing your trust in specialised advice from unqualified sources when considering the best diet to get pregnant.

Registered dieticians are qualified health professionals who can assess, diagnose and treat dietary and medical conditions. And they frequently work with other medical professionals to ensure their client’s overall health.

Dietitian or nutritionist?

Rachel Clarkson RD, the DNA Dietitian, can create a fully bespoke fertility diet and a nutritional plan for a healthier nine months of pregnancy. She can do the same for your partner, offering a diet along with meal plans that you can both follow and enjoy together.

Dietitian is a protected term that can only be used by those who have undergone detailed medical training. However, nutritionist is not a protected term, and anyone can call themselves a nutritionist.

Having a dietitian create your eating plan removes guesswork around dropping or adding foods, changing when or how often you eat, and trying new supplements. Dietitians have the expertise to tailor specific plans for individuals, as opposed to following advice designed for a broad range of people and lifestyles.

Fertility and pregnancy diets

Rachel will work with you as a couple to create a diet plan to boost fertility. And she can help you get your body into the best shape for a healthy pregnancy.

This means listening to you, finding out about your lifestyle, and factoring in the full medical histories of both you and your partner. It includes taking into account your food habits and preferences, which makes it more likely you’ll keep to your plan. Rachel will create something that is bespoke, working with you individually and as a couple.

Rachel takes the personalised approach one step further…

She is a Nutrigenomic dietitian who can tailor her guidance specifically to your DNA. This means that you get the benefits of her extensive training, paired with insights into how your body works, gained through DNA sampling.

The DNA Dietitian

Rachel studied Nutrition at King’s College London, and has benefitted from clinical training programmes at The Royal Marsden, Imperial College Trust and St Thomas’s Hospital. She worked as a clinical dietitian under the NHS at Chelsea and Westminster hospital before starting her own practice as a dietitian in Harley Street, London.

Rachel’s fascination with science and DNA led her towards Nutrigenomics. She combines her nutrition training with genetic profiling using DNA sampling. Nutrigenomics underpins Rachel’s own exclusive framework called Eat The DNA Way®.

Rachel’s Nutrigenomics advice isn’t separate to the pregnancy and fertility diet plans that other dieticians might create. It’s an extra layer that enhances what she offers, and the result is a diet uniquely crafted to you and your body.

Pregnancy diet: Next steps

If you’d like to discuss your diet to get pregnant – that is, the optimal diet for fertility and pregnancy – and one that’s tailored specifically to you, please contact Rachel Clarkson.

She is a leading dietitian with a wealth of experience working with couples. Rachel would love to help you boost your fertility goals and start you on your journey as new parents in the best possible health.

Rachel offers free introductory discovery calls, which are the perfect opportunity to chat to her and find out if she feels right for you and your needs.

The call is without obligation – it’s your decision afterwards whether to book in any sessions. Sessions can be in person at Rachel’s London clinic in Harley Street, or virtual, so you can benefit from consulting a top pregnancy dietitian no matter where you are in the UK.

Book a free 15-minute discovery call.

Praise for Rachel Clarkson RD

Rachel gets universally five-star reviews. Here’s are two of her recent testimonials:

“I have learned so much through the testing and consultations and I appreciate Rachel’s support. I feel more optimistic this year than I have in a long time, and I’m definitely planning to stick to my new habits!”

“Would highly recommend Rachel to anyone seeking to improve their health! I found my genetic analysis to be an empowering and motivating tool to make healthy changes using Rachel’s techniques. I feel like I have the knowledge to filter all of the poor nutritional information I hear so much in the media!”

More about Nutrigenomics

DNA sampling allows a dietician to tell how your genes impact areas like body composition, nutrient metabolism, food intolerances, risk of deficiencies, and even future health risks.

A small saliva sample is collected and this is sent off to a certified lab, then analysed at the University of Toronto. A highly-detailed report is produced, which Rachel interprets using her training as a registered dietician and a Nutrigenomics practitioner.

She pulls the information together to design the healthiest plan for you. Watch Rachel Clarkson explain more about is in a DNA report.

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