Medical Conditions
Rachel can help assess, diagnose and treat your dietary or medical condition.
Low iron status can result in anaemia, which can lead you to feeling constantly tired and fatigued. Iron is an essential mineral that cannot be made by the body and therefore, it needs to be consumed in the diet. This can be challenging for some people, especially those who follow a plant-based diet or those who have variations in genes responsible for iron metabolism.
Rachel can help you identify any genetic variations that could be putting you at risk of anaemia and improve your iron status through dietary modification which will naturally enhance your energy levels.
The TMPRSS6, TFR2 and TF genes code for proteins involved in iron metabolism – 2 in 5 people are at risk of low iron status due to issues in transporting iron around the body.
Bone Health
Prevention and treatment of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis is primarily diet-based and certain people may be more at risk than others. For example if you are vegan, a woman over 50 or possess a genetic variation that can put you at risk of low calcium or vitamin D deficiency.
Prevention of weak bones is important to minimise breakages and problems with mobility in the future. Rachel will guide you through easy lifestyle changes to counteract genetic predisposition you may have and achieve optimal bone health.
People who possess certain variants of the GC and CYP2R1 genes are at higher risk of low Vitamin D and calcium status, which can potentially increase risk of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis.
Diet is considered first line treatment for the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes.
Your DNA, specifically the TCF7L2 gene, can help further personalise your dietary advice for your genetic makeup – 1 in 2 people possess certain variations of this gene, which increases their risk of type 2 diabetes which is counteracted if whole grain consumption is high.
As a Registered Dietitian, Rachel can educate you and formulate dietary advice to ensure the food you eat will manage or even reverse your type 2 diabetes.
Digestive Issues
Food Intolerances
Digestive and health issues caused by food intolerances and sensitivities can be investigated using scientifically sound elimination and reintroduction methods as well as Nutrigenomic testing for example identifying your variant of the MCM6 gene for risk of dairy intolerance, HLA gene for risk of gluten intolerance and ADORA2A for caffeine sensitivity.
Rachel can identify the exact foods that are triggering your issues to formulate dietary advice to keep uncomfortable symptoms at bay.
Eliminating some foods from the diet without seeing a Registered Dietitian can cause deficiencies or other complications. Rachel uses a careful and holistic approach; these complications are well monitored and controlled.
Coeliac Disease
Gluten is a harmless protein found in many foods however some people have a condition where gluten is damaging to their gut lining, causing nutrient deficiencies and consequential health conditions in the future.
If you have unpleasant digestive symptoms, Rachel can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of Coeliac Disease with in combination with your Doctor. Your care is best managed by a Registered Dietitian to ensure an exclusively gluten free diet that is balanced and meets all other nutrient requirements essential to health.
Many lifestyle factors can contribute to the common issue of constipation including, illness, stress, medication and diet.
Rachel has undertaken further training in this area of digestive health and can assist with lifestyle and dietary management to improve bowel movements and your quality of life.
Are you suffering with unpleasant loose bowel movements? Diarrhoea naturally impacts on your daily life and can cause unnecessary stress for you. Rachel has completed further training in this area of digestive health and can help you with lifestyle and dietary modifications to help manage this burdening area of your life.
Diverticular Disease
Diverticular disease and diverticulitis are common digestive conditions that affect the large bowel. Dietary management is part of both prevention and treatment.
Rachel uses a dietary intervention to reduce inflammation and maintain remission, preventing unpleasant symptoms associated with the disease.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
As a Specialist Dietitian in this area, Rachel can assess, diagnose and effectively treat Irritable bowel syndrome. This very common digestive issue can impact you life in a very negative way. Do you feel pain, discomfort, bloating and/or diarrhoea/constipation and think there may be a link to food?
Rachel’s method using dietary and lifestyle management can improve your quality of life by controlling symptoms over a period of 3 months.
Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
Also known as Hyperlipidemia, high cholesterol is best managed through lifestyle and dietary interventions.
Rachel uses the most up-to-date scientific research to understand how you process saturated fat to support the reduction of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol (using the APOA2 gene) and work out how best to increase ‘good’ HDL cholesterol‘ using the FADS1 gene.
This approach ensures the most effective diet and lifestyle advice to prevent heart disease and even supporting cardiac rehab.
High Blood Pressure
Also known as Hypertension, high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and can lead to heart attacks and strokes in the future. What you eat plays a huge role and Rachel can assist in dietary modification to reduce your blood pressure and help reduce your risk of heart disease.
Personalised dietary advice for your individual requirements are crucial here for caffeine and salt…
The ACE gene is involved in blood pressure regulation in the body and variants in this gene can put you at risk of being more sodium sensitive, which increases your risk of higher blood pressure.
Variants in the CYP1A2 gene means 50% of the population are doubling their risk of high blood pressure and a heart attack drinking more than 2 cups of coffee per day. The other 50% require more to protect their hearts!
Cardiac Rehab
If you have previously suffered a heart attack or stroke you are at higher risk of having another. Rachel can help you with dietary modification to help reduce your risk of another life threatening event using robust science and your DNA insights.
Low body weight
Malnutrition and low weight is very common yet problematic for your overall health and wellbeing. Not only can low weight cause issues like a disrupted menstrual cycle and a weakened immunity, it can also cause low vitamin and nutrients status.
Rachel can assess, diagnose and treat malnutrition and aid with weight gain with a food first approach and if necessary the prescription of oral nutritional supplements.
Women's Health
The chance of getting pregnant is significantly increased if both men and women are well nourished and achieve optimum nutritional status.
Rachel can assess your diet and advise how to optimise your nutritional status using personalised dietary advise based on your DNA to increase chances of conception.
Rachel can assist you during all stages of pregnancy.
During this wonderful time, your body’s nutritional requirements change drastically. With the help of a Registered Dietitian, you can ensure you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Post Partum & Breastfeeding
Losing weight after having a baby is understandably a challenge. Rachel can support you with weight loss strategies to get back to your pre-baby weight based on a personalised diet based on your DNA for optimised fat loss.
If you are breastfeeding, Rachel can also support you with a recommended diet that is best for the health of you and your baby.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that can cause many disturbances to both metabolic and reproductive function. Some systems of PCOS include weight gain, insulin resistance, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Rachel can help monitor and treat these symptoms to PCOS by making dietary modifications based on your DNA results. Scroll to the weight management, type 2 diabetes and heart diseases sections to learn more about how Rachel can help you manage each of these symptoms.
Weight Management
Many people understandably struggle with weight loss. There is a lot of misinformation surrounding weight loss in the media. Rachel uses only scientific, evidence-based methods to ensure you achieve long-term weight.
A 3-6 month personalised program is guided by DNA insights that allow Rachel to empower you with knowledge about your body and the perfect diet that you body will best respond to for fat loss.
There are plenty of DNA insights that can help you understand your body’s optimal requirements for protein, individual fats and carbohydrates. In addition to food specific insights you also learn about how much exercise you need, your metabolism & your optimal calorie deficit.