The DNA Dietitian

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How DNA Diet For Weight Loss Works

A desire to achieve weight loss is one of the most common reasons for prospective patients contacting dietitians. 

A DNA diet brings a new level of understanding to the analysis, helping people achieve their primary aims whilst also improving their overall health.

In this page, Rachel Clarkson, an experienced, highly qualified dietitian and exponent of DNA dietary advice will provide key information about what a DNA diet involves and how it is effective for weight loss.

 Book a free discovery call. – see how your weight loss goals can be helped with a DNA diet.


What is a DNA Diet?

A DNA diet builds upon the proven work already provided by dietitians.

All dietitians are accredited and have studied to a high level, typically Masters level and beyond. They can create dietary plans and offer advice that is backed by science and suitable for the client; they also work in unison with other medical professionals.

A DNA diet, also known as Nutrigenomics, an FDA approved process, simply builds on this, it enables the dietitian to understand the client’s genetic make-up, to see how their body will react to all forms of different food types.

We can use the example of lactose or gluten intolerance, two common conditions and often relatively easy to diagnose. These intolerances are explained by the fact that different versions of nutrition genes exists and so any two people can react to a food type differently.

The gluten and lactose examples are extremes, but what of all the many hundreds of other food types? It may be that for any person they do not lead to a major allergic impact, but they could still be reducing energy, or reacting in a way that leads to a higher likelihood of weight gain.

The DNA analysis unlocks this deeper understanding, providing information that enables the dietitian to create a plan that will help the client achieve their aims, while not inadvertently leading to any negative reactions such as reduced energy


How The Weight Loss DNA Diet Works

There are three different genetic tests available, each consisting of 45 genetic markers – for weight loss the health and wellness option would be appropriate.

A saliva sample is taken and this sent off to a certified lab and then analysed at the University of Toronto.

This report contains a huge amount of detail, it has unlocked your bespoke nutritional genetic make-up, but it then takes a skilled dietitian to turn this information into an actual plan of action. 

The link below directs you to a sample report, please take the time to have a look at the pdf – you will see that it contains a wealth of information, this relating to how the patient in question reacts to all food types and what this then means they should do.

Sample report

The report is then used by a board-certified expert in the field of Nutrigenomix to develop a dietary plan – Rachel Clarkson, the DNA Dietitian being one of a small number of these experts in the UK.

The sample report gives you an idea as to how this level of understanding would inform a desire to achieve weight loss.

We can see in the report that this sample patient should consume at least half of their fat intake as monounsaturated fat, their energy consumption should be 20 to 35% via fat and 20 to 30% via protein. The person has a high preference for sugars and are likely to eat in-between meals.

All this information, and is much more contained within can help create a plan for weight loss, a plan that is achievable and not working against the person’s natural inclinations. They have a natural desire to eat in-between meals, can this be worked with rather than attempting to squash this desire, factoring in healthy snacks in-between meals and adjusting the main meals accordingly to compensate.

The dietitian will also ensure that the desire to lose weight is not at the expense of overall health – so many diets may lead to weight loss, but they cannot be maintained and also have a negative impact in other ways.

The sample report shows that this person should take regular vitamin E supplements, but not exceed the RDI for iron – they also should avoid consuming vitamin c in conjunction with iron rich foods.

A skilled, experienced dietitian has to pull all this together into a coherent whole that achieves the primary aim, while also improving overall wellness. It also has to be in the form of plans and advice that the person can actually follow – there is no point packing a meal plan full of foods that they cannot stand eating.


The Impact of a DNA Diet for Weight Loss

A DNA diet can have a profound impact. Anyone who undergoes this service comes away with a full understanding of how their body reacts to food types and what they need to do to achieve and maintain weight loss. 

They will have an ongoing plan and advice to follow, rather than on-off dieting and always looking for the next fad. This understanding will also improve overall health, weight loss might be the motivation to get in touch, but imagine if you also felt more energetic, mentally sharper, had better focus and were less susceptible to pains and injuries.

The DNA weight loss diet should be the final such intervention anybody needs – they will come away with the advice and the dietary plan that can keep them on track for years to come.

Testimonials from previous clients demonstrate this impact.

 “Rachel helped me change my eating habits and have much more awareness of what I put into my body. My digestion has completely changed and I am very grateful! I feel so much more knowledgeable now and would recommend her to anyone not only wanting to lose weight, but also to have a healthy approach in life”



“I had a wonderful experience partnering with Rachel to discuss my personalized genetic report alongside my nutrition and fitness goals. Rachel is incredibly knowledgeable and presented complex genetic information in a straightforward and digestible way. She also prepared a personalized plan of recommendations which has enabled me to better understand how best to optimize my health. Would highly recommend the DNA Dietitian to anyone looking to gain a better understanding how their genetic profile impacts their overall health!”



“Having tried many different diets over the years without much success, I had a consultation with Rachel at her clinic on Harley street. I was extremely impressed with her subject knowledge and empathy. 

I decided to take the option of a DNA test and WOW I am so pleased I did. An extremely comprehensive analysis of my body’s ability to absorb specific nutrients, vitamins and even caffeine and it’s effect on me individually. Rachel then worked with me to develop a bespoke diet plan which, because I was involved in it, I find much easier to stick to than the diets I have previously tried. 

I have had follow up consultations with Rachel over the internet which have been as good as seeing her at her clinic and have the advantage of not having to leave the office and spend time travelling. Thank you Rachel”


If you want to see if Rachel is the dietitian for you, why not book a free 15-minute discovery call? This will be an opportunity to chat with Rachel, discuss your requirements and also find out more about a DNA diet and its benefits for you.

Book a free discovery call.

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