Weight Management London
Weight Management London
With the rising prevalence of obesity, the emphasis on adopting healthier habits and seeking expert guidance for effective weight management is becoming increasingly paramount.
People looking to lose weight in London with the help of a healthcare professional can find Rachel Clarkson, known as the DNA Dietitian, and her highly experienced team on the famous Harley Street.
Many individuals who come to us have tried every fad weight loss treatment out there and even considered weight loss surgery. Unfortunately, those who go for the quick fix may find it much more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Unsurprisingly, such weight loss results can only be achieved with the correct weight loss programme that takes into consideration your lifestyle and mental wellbeing.
That’s where our expert team comes in. At our clinic, we offer a range of treatments that do not require a surgeon. We encourage our patients to make healthy changes to fit in with their lifestyle, training them on what to eat, and showing them the benefits of our service, all without surgery.
If you’d like to improve your health and well-being without the need for an unsustainable diet, get in touch with Rachel Clarkson’s team today to book a consultation.
What happens at the initial consultation in London?
Embarking on a journey towards a healthier and happier life commences with an initial consultation. During this session, our multidisciplinary team of experts will refer to a range of topics; weight loss goals, medical history, lifestyle, and concerns, and how to find a balance within them. This comprehensive approach not only considers the physical but also the emotional and mental wellbeing of individuals.
Before beginning your weight loss journey, we make sure our patients are fully aware of the support we provide. Knowing that our calm, knowledgeable team is available is a confidence booster for our London patients from the consultation on day one.
Tailored weight loss solutions London
For some individuals, a non-holistic approach might entail the use of weight loss medication or medical procedures, such as bariatric surgery – a surgical procedure used to manage obesity – potentially giving the impression of shedding weight. Regrettably, individuals commencing their weight loss journey by eliminating excess body fat (with the help of surgery) may encounter difficulties in sustaining such a physical appearance or maintaining a healthy weight.
At the DNA Dietitian, our team is fully aware of this, so we offer expert guidance on treatment options tailored to each patient’s distinctive genetic profile. An education on foods to eat and what food(s) to avoid plays a vital role in weight loss. Clients are urged to embrace healthier habits, encompassing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and effective stress management. Prioritising overall health contributes significantly to favourable outcomes in weight loss, fat reduction, and the prevention of conditions associated with obesity, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Ultimately, maintaining good health isn’t solely about achieving a slender physique and muscular build. Your emotional wellbeing and confidence in the way you live your life are just as crucial.
Physical activity, wholesome diets and emotional triggers
At the core of our weight management treatment plan in London is finding an equilibrium between physical activity and a nutritious diet. At the DNA Dietitian, our team guides clients on a suitable weight loss programme which includes exercise routines you can incorporate into your life, underscoring the significance of regular physical activity.
During our service, we also counsel on nutrition, aiding clients in making informed choices about their food intake and portion sizes. Our specialist weight management professionals recognise the role of emotional triggers in one’s relationship with food. Plans incorporate strategies to address stress, emotional eating, and binge eating, fostering a healthier mindset around food and eating habits, and preventing a low mood from negatively impacting your progress.
Finding the balance between physical activity, diet, and your mood is easier with the online support we provide no matter where you are in the UK.
While DNA-based weight loss approaches show immense promise, it’s important to recognise that genetics is just one piece of the puzzle. As research in this field continues to evolve, we can expect even more precise and effective strategies for losing weight, maintaining a healthy weight, or eliminating obesity. More importantly, these treatments do not require surgery from a doctor or serious medication.
Find Our Clinic
The DNA Dietitian
10 Harley Street
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