Category: Articles
Articles 18/02/2021
Nutrigenomic Test with Analysis
Nutrigenomic testing is a gold standard of service offered by dietitians, offering advice based on a client's genetic make-up. Find out more.
Articles 18/02/2021
What Is A Dietitian?
You will have heard the term dietitian but may not be certain what they do, or how they differ from a nutritionist. Here, we explain all.
Articles 14/01/2021
Online Dietitian UK
An online dietitian service in the UK that can provide you with wholly personalised dietary advice remotely! - You get the highest standards of care from the comfort of your own home.
Articles 14/01/2021
What Is Nutrigenomics?
Nutrigenomics is a term you might have heard. You may know it relates to diet, but that's about it... Here, we explain all.
Articles 30/11/2020
Weight Loss Nutritionist London
Rachel Clarkson, the DNA Dietitian, is a highly qualified Harley Street Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian who can help you achieve healthy weight loss and arm you with the knowledge to help maintain your new body.
Articles 24/09/2020
How DNA Diet For Weight Loss Works
For those looking to lose weight, a personalised DNA diet from a dietitian is a compelling option. Find out more.